The Final Prototype

The final prototype features a complete redesign of the app, Mindfulness Coach. This app is a self-care app that focuses on improving mindfulness and overall healthy habits. I worked with a partner to completely redesign this app, from backend to frontend. We focused on researching and using UX and UI best practices. Our final app prototype features well-designed screens with working functionalities.

The original Mindfulness Coach design was an “ugly app”. The screens weren’t well laid out and it was hard to navigate. After much user research, we created an information architecture that mapped out user navigation in an understandable way. By doing so, the functionality of our app was able to be used more efficiently.

This prototype features screens such as sign-in, customization, and different categories of self-care. We wanted the user to be able to customize their experience and track their productivity as they go through the app. Because of this need, we incorporated screens that ask the user personalization questions and allow them to write down their future goals and concerns. The prototype also features a mock live chatbot that talks to the user in “real-time.” Other features include different media such as videos, music, and live animations that walk you through various self-care activities.

Much research was put into finding color schemes and fonts to place on the screens. We ended up color-coordinating different self-care categories of the app so the user would remember and recognize which style of self-care they were using.

This prototype is a culmination of extensive UX/UI research. Having this background allowed for both a successful and realistic-looking prototype.

Prototype Link

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