Mobile Interaction Design

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The Misconceptions of UX and UI Design

Data Visualization Over The Years

Data visualization has come a long way. From the creation of the pie chart to the digitally interactive infographics of today, it has been steadily improving. With advancing technology, we have been able to visualize data like never before. Data used to be something only the professionals could understand. Through a series of numbers, calculations,…

The Final Prototype

The final prototype features a complete redesign of the app, Mindfulness Coach. This app is a self-care app that focuses on improving mindfulness and overall healthy habits. I worked with a partner to completely redesign this app, from backend to frontend. We focused on researching and using UX and UI best practices. Our final app…

Visually Designing Interfaces

After narrowing down the wireframes and functionality of an interface, it is time for more user interface design. User interface design, also known as UI design, is granular. It involves taking small components and turning them into functioning screens (A Comprehensive Guide To UI Design). This process can seem overwhelming on a large scale, but…

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